How would you design an experiment to test factors that affect seed germination?
How would you design an experiment to test factors that affect seed germination?

How would you design an experiment to test factors that affect seed germination?
How can half-views of animal-pollinated flowers be represented in a drawing?
What is the internal structure of seeds, and how can it be represented in a drawing?
What methods are used to induce flowering in short-day plants outside of their natural season?
How do flowering plants use mutualistic relationships with pollinators in their reproductive processes?
What roles do pollination, fertilization, and seed dispersal play in plant reproductive success?
How does the length of light and dark periods influence the switch to flowering in many plants?
How does flowering in plants involve a change in gene expression in the shoot apex?
How have advancements in analytical techniques contributed to understanding plant hormones and their impact on gene expression?
For what purposes is micropropagation used, including the rapid production of new varieties and virus-free strains?