How does the persistence of memory cells contribute to long-term immunity?
How does the persistence of memory cells contribute to long-term immunity?

How does the persistence of memory cells contribute to long-term immunity?
What symptoms are caused by the action of histamines, and why?
How does the release of histamine by white blood cells lead to allergic reactions?
In what ways do antibodies aid in the destruction of pathogens?
What is the function of plasma cells in the immune response?
How does the process of clonal selection result in the formation of plasma cells and memory cells from activated B cells?
What is the role of T lymphocytes in the activation of B lymphocytes in mammals?
Why are some pathogens species-specific, and how can others cross species barriers?
How do unique molecules on the surface of cells help in distinguishing between self and non-self in organisms?
How can patterns of chromosome number in certain genera suggest speciation due to polyploidy?