How is heart rate measured and interpreted under different conditions?
How is heart rate measured and interpreted under different conditions?

How is heart rate measured and interpreted under different conditions?
What are the causes and consequences of hypertension and thrombosis, and how do they impact cardiovascular health?
How is defibrillation used to treat life-threatening cardiac conditions, and what is its mechanism?
How can artificial pacemakers regulate the heart rate, and in what situations are they used?
What causes normal heart sounds, and how do changes in blood flow relate to the closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves?
How do conducting fibres ensure the coordinated contraction of the entire ventricle wall?
How does this delay allow time for atrial systole before the atrioventricular valves close?
What is the purpose of the delay between the arrival and passing on of a stimulus at the atrioventricular node?
Why can signals from the sinoatrial node not pass directly from the atria to the ventricles?
How does the structure of cardiac muscle cells allow the propagation of stimuli through the heart wall?