Cultures Production for Food Fermentations

Cultures Production for Food Fermentations

General Principles of Culture Maintenance and Preparation  Selection of Cultures Maintenance of Activity of Cultures  Maintenance of Purity of Cultures  Preparation of Cultures  Activity of Culture  Mixed Cultures  Bacterial Cultures  With the exception of the propionic acid bacteria added to Swiss cheese, the majority of the bacterial cultures used as starters in dairy products, sausage, … Read more

Fermentation Foods – Bread

Fermentation Foods - Bread

In breadmaking, microorganisms are useful in two primary ways: (1) they can produce gas to leaven the dough, giving it the desired loose, porous texture, and (2) they can produce flavorful substances. They may also play a role in dough conditioning. Leavening  Leavening by Bread Yeasts  Leavening by Other Microorganisms  Leavening by Chemicals  Continuous Breadmaking  … Read more

Traditional Indian Fermented Foods 

Traditional Indian Fermented Foods 

Dahi  Idli  Dosa Dhokla  Fermented Leafy Vegetables Ziang sang/Ziang dui  Sinki  Gundruk  Goyang  Fermented Fish Products  Ngari  Hentak  Tungtap  Fermented Beans  Kinema  Hawaiijar  Tungrumbai  Ankhone/Bekang/Peruyyan  Fermented Bamboo Shoots  Soibum/Soidon  Mesu  Lung-Seij  Bas-tenga  Miya Mikhri  Ekung/Hirring  Fermented Alcoholic Beverages  Ennog/Sai Mod  Apong  Kodo ko Jaanr  Xaj-pani  Zutho  Judima  Antingba  Kiad  Sujen 

Fermentation Foods – Malt Beverages

Fermentation Foods - Malt Beverages

Beer and ale are the most widely produced and consumed malt beverages in this country, and they will be explored here. They are constructed from malt, hops, yeasts, water, and malt adjuncts. Malt is produced from germinated and dried barley grains that have had their sprouts or germs removed. The dried blooms of the hop … Read more

Fermentation Foods – Wines

Fermentation Foods - Wines

Unless otherwise indicated, the term wine refers to the beverage produced by the alcoholic fermentation of grapes or grape juice by yeasts, followed by ageing. However, wines can be prepared by fermenting the juices of fruits, berries, rhubarb, dandelions, and honey, among others. Grape Wine The majority of grape wines are either red or white. … Read more

Fermentation Foods – Vinegar

Fermentation Foods - Vinegar

At normal temperatures, the normal progression of changes in fruit juices is alcoholic fermentation by yeasts, followed by oxidation of the alcohol to acetic acid by acetic acid bacteria. When enough acetic acid is created, vinegar is the result. Vinegar is a condiment produced from sweet or starchy sources through alcoholic fermentation followed by acetic … Read more

Spoilage and Defects of Fermented Dairy Products 

Spoilage and Defects of Fermented Dairy Products 

For its production, fermented milk and cheese require a specific fermentation or series of fermentations. Therefore, any abnormalities in these fermentations will harm the product’s quality and may even cause it to spoil. Even the final product may be susceptible to deterioration by microbes. Fermented Milks  Cheese Cheese defects may be caused by mechanical or … Read more

Oriental Fermented Foods 

Oriental Fermented Foods 

Molds are used in the manufacture of the majority of the Oriental fermented dishes listed here. In the starter, known as koji in Japan and chou in China, moulds serve as suppliers of hydrolytic enzymes, including amylases to hydrolyze the starch in the grains, proteinases, lipases, and several more. For the most part, starters are … Read more

Botulism Food Poisoning by Clostridium botulinum

Botulism Food Poisoning by Clostridium botulinum

What is Botulism Food Poisoning? Botulism food poisoning is a severe and potentially life-threatening illness caused by the consumption of food contaminated with botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs). Here are the key points about botulism food poisoning: Preventing botulism food poisoning involves proper food handling and storage practices, such as ensuring adequate heat treatment during cooking, avoiding … Read more

Preservation, and Spoilage of Poultry

Preservation, and Spoilage of Poultry

The discussion of poultry focuses primarily on chicken meat, but the principles also apply to the meat of turkey, geese, ducks, and squab. Contamination of Poultry Preservation of Poultry 1. Asepsis  2. Use of Heat  3. Use of Low Temperatures  a. Chilling  b. Freezing  4. Use of Preservatives  5. Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere  6. Use of … Read more

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