What DNA sequencing technique is useful for high throughput sequencing?
What DNA sequencing technique is useful for high throughput sequencing?
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques are particularly useful for high-throughput sequencing. NGS encompasses various technologies that allow for the rapid and parallel sequencing of millions of DNA fragments. These techniques include: 1) Sequencing by synthesis (SBS): Used by platforms such as Illumina, this method involves incorporating fluorescently labeled nucleotides into a growing DNA strand and detecting the emitted signals to determine the sequence. 2) Sequencing by ligation: Used by platforms like SOLiD, this method involves attaching fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides to the DNA fragments and detecting the emitted signals. 3) Ion semiconductor sequencing: Used by Ion Torrent, this method measures changes in pH as nucleotides are added to the DNA strand. Each of these techniques enables high-throughput sequencing and contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of modern genomic research.