Define the terms ecosystem and niche
Define the terms ecosystem and niche
An ecosystem is defined as a community of living organisms (biotic components) interacting with their physical environment (abiotic components) in a specific area. This interaction forms a complex network where energy and nutrients flow through various biological and physical processes. Ecosystems can vary in size and type, ranging from small ponds to vast forests or oceans, and they include both terrestrial and aquatic environments. The concept was first introduced by A.G. Tansley in 1935, emphasizing the interconnectedness of life forms and their surroundings
A niche refers to the specific role or function of an organism within its ecosystem, encompassing its habitat, resource use, and interactions with other organisms. It includes how an organism obtains its energy and nutrients, how it contributes to the ecosystem (e.g., as a producer, consumer, or decomposer), and how it responds to environmental conditions. Each species has its own unique niche that helps reduce competition for resources among different species within the same habitat. The niche concept highlights the importance of biodiversity and the interconnected roles that organisms play in maintaining ecological balance