Difference Between Oviparous and Viviparous – Oviparous vs Viviparous

What is Oviparous?

An Oviparous animal is a creature that produces eggs which later develop into young ones, after being pushed out from the body of the female.

Oviparity is a characteristic of these animals, where fertilization can be internal or external however the babies are born out of the body. Oviparous animals include the majority of reptiles, amphibians, fishes as well as birds. Some insects, like insects, are also considered oviparous. Ovoviviparous are another category where eggs hatch inside of the body of the animal and the embryos emerge. This is the case with some snakes, sharks and other species of animals. Oviparity is an evolutionary strategy for many animals. there are some that produce a lot of tiny and fragile eggs, while others only produce a few robust and big eggs.

The production of numerous eggs improves the chance of survival of eggs and is an effective strategy to increase fertility. Certain animals, like frogs, may undergo external fertilization, where the female first lay eggs and then the male then spreads its sperm in order to fertilize the egg. The fertilized egg grows until a tadpole is born out of it. In other animals, such as hens males inseminate the female, which results in internal fertilization. The female then lay eggs and watches as the fertilized egg, which hatches into chicks. The eggs of oviparous animals have soft or hard shells dependent on the species of the animal. Egg size is an indication of the animal.

After the eggs are laid, certain animals rest in the egg to warm them. others put the eggs into the sand. In reptiles it is the temperature of eggs is vital during the development of the embryo because it decides on the gender of offspring. Oviparous animals usually lay eggs at specific times of the year based upon the amount of food available since they supply nutrition to the egg via their yolk sac.

Chickens lay eggs which could or may have fertilization. In the event of an eggs that are not fertilized, the egg isn’t fertilized to create an embryo, but instead is used by humans as a source for the nutrients. Examples of animals with oviparous eggs include snakes, frogs the lizards and hens, ducks and fishes, sharks penguins, butterflies Octopus, etc.

Examples of oviparous animals


Birds are oviparous in nature because every bird lays eggs to aid in reproduction. Chicken is one of the most well-known birds which lay eggs with a hard shell that contain one embryo sac. The majority of birds fertilize themselves internally and therefore produce fertilized eggs which later grow into the new one. But, certain birds may have eggs without fertilization. Birds place eggs in their nests and take care of their eggs till they are hatch. certain birds, like hens or ducks could even lay on eggs and keep warm. A large portion of the birds that are young are precocial. This means that they can walk and eat immediately after the hatching. Some birds however tend to their young for a while after hatching, providing food and security.


Reptiles are comparable to birds in the process of forming their babies. Reptilian eggs however, are soft and are often a bit leathery. The shell is typically thin and vibrant. Fertilization could be external or internal depending according to the specific species. Eggs are laid on the ground and usually bury eggs in sand to ensure warmth. The temperature at which the embryo develops in the embryo’s development is crucial for reptiles since it affects the gender of the infants. So, most reptiles strive to maintain eggs at a constant temperature for a prolonged time. Size, shape and colour of the eggs of reptiles is determined by the specific species. The parental care following hatching can be common in reptiles as they teach their young to hunt for food and protect their own.

What is Viviparous?

A viparous animal is one which develops an embryo within the female’s body which results with the birthing of live a new one.

The embryo develops inside special organs in the female’s body where the mother provides the necessary nutrition for the developing embryo. Viparous animals are found in all vertebrates, with the exception of birds. Reptiles, amphibians and fish and mammals are all members that are viviparous, even though none group is entirely viviparous. It is believed that viviparity originated out of oviparity in which eggs remained inside the female for a longer time and then it hatched into a new one.

The nutrition of different animals is different as certain primitive animals possess an egg sac that supplies nourishment to an embryo. However, in some embryos, the embryo grows into larvae within the mother, which feeds on secretions of the reproductive organs that the mom. In mammals, however the mother supplies nutrients to the baby through the mammary glands. Viparous animals reproduce sexually through internal fertilization while embryos develop within the body of the mother.

Animals that are viviparous are also sophisticated in the sense that they are able to carry the young ones that are developing together with their mother away from zones that have predators. In addition, viviparous animals are able to also reproduce throughout the year because they provide the embryo with fat reserves within the body. But, viviparity can be exhausting for the mother because it could cause significant damage to reproductive organs at birth. Care for the newborn differs among viviparous species. For instance, certain mammals like humans take after their babies while certain salamanders do not show any parental care at all.

In some instances complications during childbirth can be life-threatening for the mother. The most common viviparous species are human beings, bears, giraffes cattle, sharks and salamanders, a few frogs and many more.

Examples of viviparous


Humans are viviparous creatures who reproduce solely through internal fertilization, just like other mammals. The fertilization process takes place inside the fallopian tube. After that the zygote is moved toward the uterus and then into the plant itself. The uterine wall connects to the mother’s via the placenta, which supplies the growing fetus with nutrients. Contrary to other animals that are viviparous that are born, the baby human is fully developed before the birth. The mother supplies food through the production from the glands of mammary. A similar level of care for the parents is seen after birth, in which they care for the baby for a long time.

Higher sharks

Higher sharks are a class of species that are viviparous in contrast to other species of fish. Different sharks exhibit different ways of reproduction, some of which resemble those of mammals. Certain sharks, like that of Great White Shark have tissue extension from the oviducts in the female, which connect to the gills that develop in the shark. This structure shares a functional resemblance to the placenta found in mammals. Some tissues could even release an oily substance that facilitates the exchange of nutrients and oxygen with the embryo that is developing. After a sufficient amount of development in mom, child shark is released from the cloaca. At the time of birth, sharks display minimal parental care since the infants are sufficiently developed to be able to detect prey.

Difference Between Oviparous and Viviparous – Oviparous vs Viviparous

Basis for ComparisonOviparousViviparous
DefinitionAn oviparous animal is one which produces eggs that then hatch into the new ones following the expulsion from the body of a female.A viparous animal is one which develops an embryo within the female’s body and results to the live birth of the newborn one.
Modus of reproductionAnimals with oviparous eggs lay eggs, which develop into young ones.Animals with viviparous sperm give birth directly to babies.
FertilizationOviparous animals may undergo external or internal fertilization.Animals that reproduce via viviparous reproduction exclusively through internal fertilization.
Zygote developmentThe birth of a zygote happens in the outside of the mother.The formation of a zygote happens inside the mother’s body.
NutrientsThe embryo is fed nutrients through the yolk of the egg.The embryo is fed by the mother via the placenta , or similarly-shaped structures.
Chance of SurvivalThe chances of survival of the infants is lower since the eggs lay in an surroundings where they are vulnerable to various risks.The likelihood of survival for the children is greater because they are sheltered in the body of their mother and are provided with plenty of nutrition.
Hard coverThe eggs that are produced by oviparous mammals are covered by hard shells in order to protect the embryo. embryo.The embryo is within the mother’s body and isn’t covered by any type of covering.
Mothers are at riskSince there isn’t a direct birth the mother isn’t at risk.Mothers could be at risk during pregnancy or the birth of a child.
ReproductionIn oviparous animals, reproduction usually occurs when there is enough food in order to feed the embryo.Viparous can reproduce at any point during the year because they supply nutrients through reserve fat.
Parental careOviparous animals take care of their eggs after they lay eggs.Some animals with viviparity show parents’ care following birth, while some don’t.
ExamplesSome examples of oviparous animals are snakes, frogs and hens. They also include ducks fishes and sharks. penguins butterflies, octopus and so on.Some examples of viviparous animals are people, bears, giraffes cattle, some sharks as well as salamanders and frogs and others.

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