Undersea landslides can disrupt marine habitats by burying organisms that live on the ocean floor. The graph above shows the size of a population of a certain organism that lives on the ocean floor. The population was affected by a recent landslide at the time indicated on the graph. Which of the following best predicts how the population will be affected by the landslide?

    A) The surviving organisms will evolve into a new species.
  • B) The reduced population will likely have allelic frequencies that are different from the initial population.
  • C) The population will adapt to deeper waters to avoid future landslides.
  • D) The reduced population will have a greater number of different genes than the initial population.
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Based on the figure, which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data presented?

    A) The soil conditions in the moist region are too extreme for most plant growth.
  • B) There is a linear relationship between the number of plant species and the soil condition in the dry region.
  • C) There is a positive correlation between plant species diversity and soil condition in the moist region.
  • D) Soil conditions are a better predictor of plant species diversity in the dry region than in the moist region.
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H+ + HCO3- H2O + CO2 The equation above shows one of the reversible reactions that occur in blood. After exercise, an athlete’s blood pH has dropped below the normal level. How will normal blood pH be restored?

    A) An increase in O2 concentration in the plasma will lead to an increase in H+ concentration.
  • B) An increase in temperature will lead to an increase in H+ concentration.
  • C) An increase in sweating will lead to a decrease in OH- and H+ concentration.
  • D) An increase in breathing rate will lead to a decrease in blood CO2 and H+ concentration.
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The data over the duration of the experiment provide the strongest support for which of the following conclusions regarding the effect of the parasite on Tribolium populations?

    A) T. confusum is adversely affected by the parasite, while T. castaneum is not.
  • B) T. castaneum is adversely affected by the parasite, while T. confusum is not.
  • C) Both T. confusum and T. castaneum are adversely affected by the parasite.
  • D) Both T. confusum and T. castaneum show increased fitness in the presence of the parasite.
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