- A) Protein R would be less stable and had a lower rate of denaturation above 70°C compared to protein Q, while protein P was fully denatured by 80°C
- B) Protein R would be more stable and had a lower rate of denaturation above 70°C compared to protein Q, while protein P was the least heat tolerant of all the proteins
- C) Protein Q would be more stable and had a lower rate of denaturation below 70°C compared to protein R, while protein P was fully denatured by 80°C
- D) Protein Q would be less stable and had a higher rate of denaturation below 70°C compared to protein R, while protein P was the least heat tolerant of all the proteins
AP Biology MCQ
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Questions: 10
2 Amino acids are used to make proteins. Table 1 shows the R groups of six different amino acids.
- A) Serine, alanine, aspartic acid
- B) Glutamic acid, alanine, asparagine
- C) Aspartic acid, glycine, serine
- D) Serine, asparagine, alanine,
3 In the study of plant biology, a key structural component of plant cell walls is cellulose. Specic bonds within cellulose allow the cellulose bers to provide rigidity and support to plant cells. Which of the following best describes the bonds formed between monomer units during the formation of cellulose?
- A) Hydrogen bonds
- B) C-C covalent bonds
- C) Peptide bond
- D) Disulphide bridge
4 Researchers produced a particular type of reactive molecule, known as a radical, that can interact with a protein’s amino acids at a molecular level. Under certain conditions, the radical molecules selectively react to break carbon-carbon bonds within an amino acid, meaning that protein editing can be achieved. Which of the following best predicts the location of where the radicle interacts?
- A) Radicles interact with the peptide bond of an amino acid
- B) Radicles interact with the R-group of an amino acid
- C) Radicles interact with the amino group of an amino acid
- D) Radicles interact with the peptide bond of a di-peptide
5 Proteins play a key role in many biological functions. Insulin is a protein hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin is composed of chains of amino acids, which are linked together through specic covalent bonds during its synthesis in the pancreas. Which of the following represents the type of bonds that connect the monomers in insulin?
- A) Monomers in insulin are connected via a peptide bond between the carboxylic groups of two amino acids.
- B) Monomers in insulin are connected via a peptide bond between the carboxylic group of one amino acid and the amino group of a neighboring amino acid.
- C) Monomers in insulin are connected via a peptide bond between the amino group of two amino acids.
- D) Monomers in insulin are connected via a peptide bond between the R group of one amino acid and the amino group of a neighboring amino acid.
6 The covalent bonds within water molecules are described as polar covalent bonds. Which of the following best explains why the covalent bonds within water are polar?
- A) Hydrogen is less electronegative than oxygen, generating a partial negative charge near the hydrogen atom.
- B) Hydrogen is more electronegative than oxygen, generating a partial positive charge near the hydrogen atom.
- C) Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, generating a partial negative charge near the oxygen atoms.
- D) Oxygen is less electronegative than hydrogen, generating a partial positive charge near the oxygen atoms.
7 Water is known as a cohesive molecule due to the presence of hydrogen bonding. Water is also adhesive to other molecules. Which of the following does not use these properties of water to function?
- A) Mass transport through the xylem of plants and blood vessels in animals.
- B) Surface tension on a body of water meets the air to create a lm on the body of water.
- C) Capillary action within xylem vessels.
- D) Evaporation of water from the skin during sweating.
8 Nitrogen is a key part of building biomass because of its presence in all amino acids and therefore proteins. Which of the following best describes nitrogen within a protein?
- A) Each amino acid contains an amine group (-NH₂)
- B) Each amino acid contains a nitrate group (-NO ) 2-
- C) Each protein molecule contains an amine group (-NH₂)
- D) Each protein molecule contains a nitrate group (-NO )
9 Exploring the molecular pathways and physiological importance of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in dierent biological systems has highlighted their contributions to life’s fundamental processes. Carbon forms the framework of biological molecules, nitrogen is critical for proteins and nucleic acids, and phosphorus is essential for nucleic acids, membrane structure, and energy metabolism. Cellular membranes contain phospholipids which provide structure and specic physiological characteristics to support the molecular pathways of the cell. Which of the following models represents the correct arrangement of phosphorus within a phospholipid?
- A) A
- B) B
- C) C
- D) D
10 Water molecules are composed of the atoms hydrogen and oxygen, which are held together by covalent and hydrogen bonds. Which of the following models best demonstrates the arrangement of hydrogen bonds between water molecules? (Hydrogen bonds are depicted by dashed lines.)
- A) A
- B) B
- C) C
- D) D