Aristotle, born in Greece, is often called the "Father of Zoology" due to his extensive contributions to the study of animals.

Aristotle was born in 384 BCE in Stagira, a town in northern Greece.

Known as one of the greatest Greek philosophers, Aristotle made significant contributions to various fields, including philosophy, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and natural sciences.

Aristotle is credited with founding the field of zoology. He conducted systematic observations and classifications of animals, laying the groundwork for future studies in the field.

Aristotle authored several important works on zoology, including "History of Animals," "Movement of Animals," "Progression of Animals," and "Parts of Animals." These texts detailed his observations and theories about animal life.

Aristotle's approach to studying animals was empirical and observational. He conducted dissections and made detailed notes on the anatomy and behavior of various species.

He classified animals based on their characteristics, such as blooded (vertebrates) and bloodless (invertebrates), which was a precursor to modern biological taxonomy.

Aristotle explored theories on the growth, reproduction, and development of animals, contributing to early understandings of embryology and developmental biology.

While some of Aristotle's theories were later proven incorrect, his methodology and systematic approach influenced the development of biological sciences for centuries.

Aristotle's contributions to zoology and biology were foundational, earning him the titles "Father of Zoology" and, at times, "Father of Biology."

His work provided a basis for scientific inquiry in the natural world, influencing later scientists and naturalists, including those in the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods.