Carolus Linnaeus, born in Sweden, is renowned as the "Father of Taxonomy" for his foundational work in the classification of living organisms. 

Carolus Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707, in Råshult, Sweden. He later became known as Carl von Linné after being ennobled.

Linnaeus introduced a systematic method for the description, identification, naming, and classification of living organisms, which is still in use today. His binomial nomenclature system assigns each species a two-part Latin name, consisting of the genus and species.

In 1735, Linnaeus published "Systema Naturae," a groundbreaking work that laid out his classification system. This book underwent many editions, expanding from a brief pamphlet to a multi-volume work detailing thousands of species.

Linnaeus's binomial nomenclature simplified and standardized the naming of organisms, making scientific communication more precise and universally understandable.

He developed a hierarchical classification system, organizing living organisms into nested groups such as kingdoms, classes, orders, genera, and species.

Linnaeus's work established a framework that has influenced biological sciences for centuries. His classification system helped bring order to the vast diversity of life and provided a basis for evolutionary biology.

Linnaeus's contributions were recognized worldwide, and he was often celebrated during his lifetime. His legacy endures in the continued use of his classification system and the numerous species named in his honor.

Linnaeus conducted extensive fieldwork and expeditions, collecting and documenting plants and animals from various regions, including Lapland and other parts of Sweden.

As a professor at Uppsala University, Linnaeus mentored many students who went on to become prominent naturalists, spreading his ideas and methods globally.

Linnaeus believed in the fixity of species and aimed to catalog all of creation. His methodical and systematic approach to natural history laid the groundwork for future scientific inquiry and classification.