The father of ecology is a UK born zoologist & Yale University professor, G. Evelyn Hutchinson.

Hutchinson was born in England in 1903 and studied at Cambridge University, where he developed his passion for zoology and ecology.

He introduced the concept of the ecological niche in 1957, defining it as an "n-dimensional hypervolume" encompassing all environmental factors that a species needs to survive and reproduce.

Hutchinson's niche concept emphasized that a species' ecological role is defined by its interactions with multiple environmental variables, not just one-dimensional factors like food or habitat.

He conducted extensive fieldwork, studying diverse ecosystems from lakes to oceans, which provided empirical support for his theoretical ideas.

Hutchinson's research extended into community ecology, exploring how species interactions and environmental factors shape the structure and dynamics of ecological communities.

He made significant contributions to limnology (the study of freshwater ecosystems), particularly with his studies on lake ecosystems and their biotic interactions.

Hutchinson applied mathematical models to ecological systems, pioneering quantitative approaches to understanding complex ecological processes.

His work inspired ecological research across disciplines, influencing the study of biodiversity, ecosystem dynamics, and conservation biology.

Hutchinson taught at Yale University, where he mentored numerous students who became influential ecologists in their own right.

He received numerous awards and honors, including the prestigious Crafoord Prize in 1999, recognizing his lifetime contributions to ecology.