Use databases like PubMed Central, Directory of Open Access Journals, arXiv, and CORE to find freely available research papers.

Open Access Databases

Tools like Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, and Semantic Scholar can help locate free versions of papers and direct you to institutional repositories.

Academic Search Engines

Many universities have their own repositories where they archive faculty and student work, which may be freely accessible.

Institutional Repositories

Researchers often share their papers on personal websites or academic social networks like ResearchGate,, and LinkedIn.

Author’s Websites and Social Media

Reach out to authors directly; they often provide copies of their papers upon request.

Contact Authors Directly

Use tools like Unpaywall, Open Access Button, and Kopernio to find free versions of paywalled articles.

Browser Extensions

Access early versions of research papers on preprint servers like bioRxiv, chemRxiv, and SocArXiv.

Preprint Servers

Local libraries, including public and university libraries, often offer access to academic databases, interlibrary loans, and remote digital resources.

Library Resources

Instead of Sci-Hub, use legal alternatives like Open Access Button, Lazy Scholar, and Unpaywall to find free copies of research papers.

Sci-Hub Alternatives

Stay updated on open access movements and initiatives like Plan S, which aim to make publicly funded research freely available.

Open Access Initiatives